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Feces Facial (Double) Shit Splash!

【Product number】 VRXS-186
【Release date】 2017/05/19
【Director】 Kabakabao
【Actress】 Yua Goto,Yui Tokui,安里泉水
【Duration】 120min
【Price】 6,800yen
【Category】 enema,scatology,slave training,storys,take a crap,uriposia

I joined a company operated by a perverted female president. Compensation for male employees of this company was to satisfy their sexual desire by slaving themselves for the satisfaction of female employees. They can not use the toilet and always treat men as meat, urinate on them and let them eat shit! You must respond if you have an appetite. Suddenly, it was a love affair, but with a secretary that produces a fountain water enema with splendor and this becomes a special habit. DVD XCREAM DUGA

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