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Faithful Anal Suffocation with Itsuki Ayuhara

【Product number】 VRNET-039
【Release date】 2017/08/21
【Director】 Kaoru Adachi
【Actress】 Itsuki Ayuhara
【Duration】 43min
【Price】 1,980yen
【Category】 facesitting,scatology

A documentary about scatology and facesitting. Beautiful mature women on the rise to stardom suffocate men with their ass, anus and shit! Ayuhara Itsuki himself is covered with feces and takes on the challenge of a whole new level of nasty! Punishment is in order with a nice big, plump shit and urine forced into the mouth. An amazing shit twisted out from a beautiful anus! LOCK ON with a pro wrestling technique that no man can escape! XCREAM DUGA

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