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Adolescent Droppings The training and exercise of shitting and pissing on a boy by an inexperienced girl.

【Product number】 VRXS-196
【Release date】 2017/10/20
【Director】 Kaoru Adachi
【Actress】 Usagi Aoi,武居安寿子
【Duration】 55min
【Price】 6,800yen
【Category】 excretion,facesitting,lolita complex,Maso man,pee,pissing,scatology,slave training,storys,take a crap

Shinkichi traveled to a secluded village outside of Tokyo to meet a girl he was in correspondence with, Azuko. He spends the summer with Azuko and her sister Nobuko. While her sister is out, she relentlessly seduces Shinkichi which leads to obscene acts. The situation escalates by the day, such as urinating and defecating on Shinkichi while he is blindfolded and restrained by a rope. Shinkichi hated what was happening to him, but underneath, he was actually getting more and more excited by the torture. A summer story of a boy who is trained by a kinky girl through urination and defecation. DVD XCREAM DUGA

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