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Shit and Vomit Noa Takasaka (Noah Takasaka) The whole story of the foolery of a drunk girl

【Product number】 VRNET-077
【Release date】 2020/11/24
【Actress】 Noa Takasaka
【Duration】 44min
【Price】 1,980yen
【Category】 documentary,excretion,pee,scatology,sister complex,take a crap,uriposia,vomiting

Noa Takasaka vomit - the ban has been lifted!! Takasaka documents and admits she is a drunk. To start it off, she thought she would go for yakiniku, but couldn't wait until the restaurant opened, so she wet for a few Chuhai drinks outside. Wine directly from the bottle and practically drowned herself in Sake. Afterward, time to sprinkle piss, shit and vomit! How about a vomit kiss mixed with shit?!! After urinating, you can feel a sudden erotic heat come over you... The whole story of the real foolery of a drunk girl! XCREAM DUGA

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