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Black Pantyhose OL Forced Urophagia Toilet Office Group Lynch M Man Management Division

【Product number】 VRXS-261
【Release date】 2021/05/01
【Director】 Eigo Mochizuki
【Actress】 Iori,Kiwako Oikawa,Kotori Shima
【Duration】 110min
【Price】 6,800yen
【Category】 Maso man,pee,pissing,sister complex,uriposia

Certain beauty equipment manufacturers of "any request to the absolute obedience and worship of beautiful women" motto. According to the company motto, a company in which male employees work as company slaves for female presidents and female employees. It is also daily work to be made to lick pantyhose, legs and face pressure with nice pantyhose covered asses. Thorough education on dirty heel licking, urine drinking, saliva attacking, slapping, and kicking for Ponkotsu employees! Harlem Lynch by continuous urine drinking and assault for employees trying to escape! !! DVD XCREAM DUGA

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