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Forced Urine Lesbian Face Sitting “Aira Hanasaki” “Ena Yuzuriha”

【Product number】 VRXS-270
【Release date】 2021/09/01
【Director】 Kaoru Adachi
【Actress】 Aira Hanasaki
【Duration】 45min
【Price】 6,800yen
【Category】 excretion,lesbian,pee,pissing,sister complex,uriposia

Hanasaki, a beautiful woman who appeared like a comet, the popular submissive woman, Lori and Ena Yuzuriha entertain with piss and face sitting! Continuous face sitting while letting out a large amount of urine with stinging momentum! Faces are crushed by a dynamite ass that hits like a bomb and suffocation is inevitable! If you spill even one drop of urine, you will get slapped! Rim licking and pussy licking are also on the menu, and incontinence is done by forcking fingers all the way in! Breathing is restricted due to being smothered by face sitting, with little time for breathing! Drown in a piss waterfall! DVD XCREAM DUGA

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