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Urine Beer Hall Ammonia Concentration 7.8% Cheers with Pee Draft Beer!

【Product number】 VRXS-285
【Release date】 2022/08/01
【Director】 Saiyuuuki
【Actress】 Kasumi Hashimoto,Kohane Amane,Kotori Shima
【Duration】 82min
【Price】 4,100yen
【Category】 Maso man,pee,peeing,pissing,scatology

Our waitresses are piss servers! We offer pee draft beer. Drinking urine in a glass, and of course drinking directly is also recommended! The aged draft beer made with pee collected from the previous day has a rich color and aroma. Pour the urine dressing on the salad and enjoy! If you're lucky, you will receive a Pie Ball (boobs & buttocks) service. If not, you get the M Man dry beer! DVD XCREAM DUGA

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