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Devil Manure Family The Mitsumine family in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

【Product number】 VRXS-214
【Release date】 2018/07/20
【Director】 Hormone Hideki
【Actress】 Kazuko Mitsumine,黒木まい
【Duration】 60min
【Price】 6.800yen
【Category】 coprophagia,incest,lolita complex,Maso man,mlf,scatology,storys,take a crap,uriposia

The family that stays together and is bonded by shit!? From first glance, the family seems to be an ordinary, everyday family. However, it was a family with a "funny secret" that no one could tell. A young man with a mother complex loves to be treated like a baby by his mother. He begs to eat his mothers shit and piss! For the daughter, she is dominant with her dad. S&M play, making dad a **** when she comes home from ****! No beer here, only piss and shit for snacks Take a look into the daily life of a perverted family! DVD XCREAM DUGA

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