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The Shit Eating Wife Nene 27 years old

【Product number】 VRXS-239
【Release date】 2019/10/01
【Director】 Ryo Inugami
【Duration】 100min
【Price】 6,800yen
【Category】 coprophagia,Maso man,scatology,take a crap,uriposia

Nene (27 years old) is a housewife on her third year of marriage. Actually, she ha a secret she couldn't disclose to her husband. What was it? She ate a man's shit! She is a perverted married woman who loves shit. She will thoroughly enjoy shitting on the face of her ex-boyfriend! He is a submissive man and she enjoys bullying him with her legs, licking armpits and slapping his face! Drinking urine and masturbating! Sucking a shitty dick, she is absolutely ecstatic by being covered in shit while having SEX! Ejaculate while being sprayed with anal juice! DVD XCREAM DUGA

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