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Fresh Blood Torture Scream

【Product number】 VRXS-265
【Release date】 2021/05/28
【Director】 Jin Toriyama
【Actress】 Ena Yuzuriha,Iori
【Duration】 65min
【Price】 6,800yen
【Category】 anal play,enema,excretion,foreign objects,pee,pissing,slave training

When a psychic YouTuber, Iori, visits an unpopular riverbank to verify an urban legend, she encounters a dangerous man ... The man used to make snuff films overseas, but he couldn't go abroad because of Corona and continued murdering in Japan. While he was trying to destroy evidence by sprinkling the remains of a murdered victim on the riverbank, Iori encountered him, and in order to survive, she was forced to do whatever he said.. torturing the victim. This may turn into another murder for him... But ... XCREAM DUGA

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