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Defecation Fast Food: Smelly but addictive! How about a shit burger?

【Product number】 VRPN-003
【Release date】 2023/08/18
【Director】 Saiyuuuki
【Actress】 Aira Hanasaki,Aisa Tamano,Iori
【Duration】 78min
【Price】 2,980yen~
【Category】 anal fuck,coprophagia,enema,enema play,excretion,pissing,scatology,take a crap,uriposia

Welcome ♪ At our restaurant, our big butt crew members with hips wider than 100cm will use their buttocks and assholes to provide excretory food. The most popular is the turd burger due to it's smelly but addictive taste. The value set also includes urine juice with a strong ammonia smell and intestinal juice salad that is seasoned inside the anus, making it a great deal! Shit sauce hot dogs and enema shakes are also recommended. Have your pick of your favorite asshole for dessert! And Anus Smiles are free♪ FANZAで購入 XCREAM

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