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Hardcore Dungeon Forced Shit Consumption Executioner – Mayumi Kanzaki Client – Miu Sanada

【Product number】 VRNET-059
【Release date】 2019/05/09
【Director】 Kaoru Adachi
【Actress】 Mayumi Kamisaki,Miu Sanada
【Duration】 54min
【Price】 1,980yen
【Category】 coprophagia,excretion,Maso man,pissing,scatology,storys,take a crap,uriposia

Sanction the man with shit!! A certain consulting office where a woman who had a grudge against a particular man who made daily visits for consultation. The "execution room". The executioner Mayumi Kanzaki teams up with the client to impose sanctions on the man. The client this time is Miu Sanada, an active office lady. Miu Sanada had a dark past in which she was used and humiliated by a man in order for him to get promoted. The woman's revenge begins in the execution room! Forced urine consumption and face sitting, torture, strap-on torture, restraint and all around violence! In the end, a very thick shit attack straight to the man's face! DUGA

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